This blog started with me, but I want it to be about more than me. If you are a conservative Christian woman who is committed to biblical womanhood, this blog is about you, too. We’ve already become a community through sharing comments and email messages. Another way of engaging with each other can be through sharing the stories God is writing with our lives.
Your General Testimony or Guest Post
If you would like to share an uplifting testimony, write an inspirational opinion piece (based on Scripture’s teaching), or give practical tips, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Summarize what you intend to write for this blog. I will review your message and then get back to you through email.
I’m mainly looking for articles related to things God’s teaching us about biblical womanhood, testimonies of His grace and guidance in the ordinary hardships and joys of feminine living. I don’t expect perfection (I will edit for spelling and grammar); I just want originality and for us to be able to see the beauty of God’s work in your life, through your own eyes.
Your Headcovering Story
If you would like to Share Your Headcovering Story, you can find out how, here. The link will first go to a page on my blog which gives more details. From there, you will be redirected to The Head Covering Movement site, where I serve as Testimony Coordinator. If your story is published, it will primarily be accessible through the HCM site. However, I will provide a short description and link on The Heavenly Hearth, so this blog’s readers will have access to your testimony from here.
Your Birth Story
If you would like to Share Your Birth Story, you can find out how, here. This link goes to a page on my blog with more information specific to this topic, along with a form you can fill out, then submit to me for review. If I decide to publish your story, it will be presented on this blog. I think your testimony of having a Surrendered Womb could encourage many women!
Whatever your story or article is that you would like to have featured here, I do expect for you to be able to agree with this blog’s Statement of Faith (first section mainly, though depending on the topic you’re writing about, I may expect agreement on some other points, as well). If you disagree with any item, I may still be willing to publish your story, just let me know what it is you disagree with.
Also, please keep in mind the goals of this blog when preparing your submission:

By submitting your testimony or guest post, you are giving your permission to have it published, if I believe it will help fulfill this blog’s purpose. There is no guarantee that your article will be published, but I promise to carefully consider it. You also agree that if your article is published, the content will be the property of The Heavenly Hearth blog, and Copyrights will apply. I may do some minor editing for spelling and grammar. If there is any major editing that I think necessary, I will let you know beforehand, in order to confirm your agreement of the proposed edits. At this time, I’m not able to provide remuneration/payment for articles submitted, but I’m sure that both I and this blog’s audience will be very grateful for your work!
I hope you will have the courage to send me your testimony or guest post! I would consider it a privilege to be able to include it on this blog!