3 New Styles to Try with the Lilla Rose Flexi Clip + Big Discounts on Black Friday!

I don’t think anyone would ever make the mistake of labeling me a hair expert, but I do have long hair, and I need to do something with it! That need pushes me to try new things — new styles and new hair accessories, though I’m not typically given to change.

First, I’m going to show you 3 new styles I’ve personally found success with, using Lilla Rose’s Flexi Clip! (with photos)

To be clear, I’m not a consultant — just a big fan. 🙂 If you’re interested in finding a Lilla Rose consultant/stylist who can help you understand Lilla Rose’s nifty products and aid you with your purchase, please contact Sarah Morris. She has been great at getting back to me right away with answers to my questions! She’s very professional and friendly. 🙂

Then, at the end of this post, I will provide information about Lilla Rose’s BIG Black Friday Sale. Now would be a great time to finally get that Flexi you’ve always wanted — while it’s still available at a discount! This could also be a convenient opportunity to shop for Christmas gifts for those loved ones who would appreciate a practical and beautiful solution for “needing to do something with my hair.”

To start out with, it would probably be helpful to tell you what size Flexi Clips I use:

Medium, for a single thickness of hair (ponytail, for example).

Large, for a double thickness of hair (doubling a braid, as shown in Style One, below), and sometimes for buns (depending on where I place the Flexi) or for a French twist.

Extra Large, for full buns with the Flexi right across the middle.

Try this! Style One — Braided Up Down

This is a super easy way to put up my braid (my typical style is just one long braid down my back . . . which can get in the way sometimes during chores!).

Quick how-to:

Okay, so it’s just my usual braid, doubled/folded over itself, with the tail tucked underneath (counting the tail, that’s actually three layers of hair), and just a little of the loose hair from the tail showing (which I could have hidden better, if I had wanted).

I used a size Large Flexi Clip right over the middle, making sure to catch as much of the hair underneath next to the scalp as I could.

I also used a couple of large bobby pins at the top, criss-crossed, to secure it (otherwise, with my very long hair, it tends to flop around a little). However, please note that this is NOT totally necessary! You can avoid the bobby pins by placing the Flexi higher up. It just depends on what look you’re going for, and what you can tolerate.

That’s it!

See Abbie Martin’s way of doing this, in her video below. She French-braided a front section of hair, as well, which I did not do (I don’t like to lift any hair away from the corners of my forehead):

Try this! Style Two — Loose French Twist

A little messy, but it’s a good messy! Soft and elegant.

Quick how-to:

I twirled all my hair around a couple of fingers, pulling the resulting roll up toward the crown of my head to form a French Twist, hiding some of the extra hair under the twist. I secured this very loose twist with a size Large Flexi Clip across the middle, making sure to catch as much hair as I could against the scalp underneath the twist (I realized later that I put the clip on backward — oh, well!).

Since my hair is so long, a loop of hair was left sticking out of the top. I loosened and arranged this a bit, securing it underneath with a couple of large bobby pins, as in the first style. I didn’t worry over-much about loose hairs (obviously ha, ha).

Look at how Kristen Smith does her French Twist. I styled mine after hers, just not as snug, nor as high:

Try This! Style 3 — Criss-Cross Pony

Great way to sophisticate a simple ponytail!

Quick How-to:

For this, having a “pony flip” will be very useful. If you don’t have one, you can still grab the hair with your fingers.

I pulled the top half of my hair up into a loose ponytail.

I separated the hair underneath into two sections.

Then, I crossed one section diagonally up and over to the opposite side of the pony. I pulled this through with the pony flip (use your fingers, pulling the hair through from beneath, if you don’t have one).

I repeated with the other side.

Unless I secure the loose ends of hair, they might come loose. Enter the Flexi Clip!

Using a size Medium, I simply closed the clip over the entire bunch of hair. You can either leave the ends loose (photo above) or braid them (photo below).


If your Flexi tends to slide down (which might mean you need a smaller size), you can remedy this in one of two ways:

  1. Under the ponytail, gather all the loose hair together with a clear rubber hair band. Insert the Flexi through the hair right above the hair band.
  2. After braiding your hair, insert the Flexi through some of the braid, at the bottom of the ponytail.

Abbi Robertson explains how to do the “Criss-Cross Pony” in her book, A Girl’s Hairstyle Handbook of Everyday Hairdos:

Additional video tutorials for all these styles, plus more, can be found on the Lilla Rose website. I encourage you to take a look!

Black Friday Sale

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! We enjoyed a relaxed, peaceful, quiet time here at home with our family. It was wonderful!

Now for the sale THIS Friday right after Thanksgiving! Here’s the info on that:

Black Friday Sale Nov. 26 – Nov. 30
NEW Releases!

Up to 60% OFF!
Spend $50, choose select Essential for only $5.
Spend $75, choose select Essential for only $5 and FREE SHIPPING.
Spend $100, choose select Essential and cosmetic bag for only $5 and FREE SHIPPING.

PLUS there will be some fun flash sales on Cyber Monday! If you’re interested in shopping these sales, make sure to check back then!

View Lilla Rose Site + Shop Holiday Specials

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16 thoughts on “3 New Styles to Try with the Lilla Rose Flexi Clip + Big Discounts on Black Friday!

  1. Very pretty hairstyles, although I am sad to say that one of my many mistakes in my life was making a bad decision to cut my hair short after someone else wanted me to. since I was little, I never thought I would ever cut my lovely long blonde (later turned to strawberry blonde, then red, and then finally a dirty blonde/light brown) hair in my life. but, due to cracking under pressure I got it cut extremely short. since then, I have kept trying to grow it back out but always cut it because since my hair is extremely thick and curly, it looks awful when it goes through that awkward mid-length stage. I look like a genetically- modified dandelion on steroids that escaped from some sort of laboratory! another terrible mistake was the faze I went through when I was 13-16 and kept dying it every color of the rainbow. this has left the ends brittle. despite all this, I am currently determined to grow it back out long again, no matter how bad it might look in the meantime. I made the wrong decision, and of course to make amends an effort and repentance with have to be made. I am currently trying different hairstyles and accessories to see what might work, along with taking better care of my hair. maybe one of the clips you were using might even work for me! anyways, as always I have to thank you for the work that you do, and send blessings your way. thank you Jessica for everything you do.

    1. Hi, Simona! I just had to laugh about the “dandelion on steroids” thing! Ha, ha! I’m currently try to grow my hair out longer, as well. When I was 13, I cut it short, like a boy’s. My father hated it! But he put up with it, since there wasn’t anything he could do after the fact. I didn’t really like it, either. After that, I went through several phases of growing it out, then cutting it again (though not as short), growing, cutting, etc. I think I am now ready to grow it out much longer. We’ll see! Good luck with yours! And yes, I think you would really like the Flexi Clip! 🙂

    2. Hi Jessica,
      The clips look so fantastic and pretty on your hair! Thank you for sharing!
      I have tried several times to make these clips work, not at age 65, my hair is fine and very thin. They did not work for me, even the smallest size.
      I do agree with scripture that ” a woman’s hair is her glory” and then when I discovered God’s desire about head covering ( along with submission to husband’s) my spiritual and relationship changed for the better. I was so in awe how most women do not understand God’s heart in this matter!
      As always, thank you for sharing. How were your holidays with family?
      Happy and blessed New Year to you!

      1. Hi, Cynthia!

        I think it depends on which style you use with the clips, and how you put them on, which is what I’m finding. There are little tips that help them stay on.

        I’m glad to see that we both feel the importance of the Bible’s teaching on hair and headcovering! Yes, it’s so beautiful and can be so helpful when we come to understand it, that I think all Christian women would benefit from applying the Bible’s teaching about this in their lives!

        The holidays went well. Peaceful and relaxed, just how I like them to be. Happy and blessed New Year to you, too!

  2. I love to see how you’re using your flexi clips in your hair, Jessica! Thanks so much for sharing! I tend to just do the same things over and over again, so it’s always fun to come across other SIMPLE ways to do your hair. And of course the flexi clip makes everything easier and better. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I do have my one, go-to style, which is just a simple braid. But sometimes, I try different things . . . I’m really loving my Flexi Clip — even though I don’t use it all the time, it’s really handy to have around for those times I do want to do something different!

  3. yeah, when I cut mine short like a boys’, my father was not very fond of it either. I think a reason why many girls may cut their hair in that fashion is that sometimes when we are young, and you know, are very curious about everything, we may sometimes wonder what we would look like if we were the opposite gender. later on of course we realize that we are who we are for a reason, and for a good reason. I would make a terrible man even if I tried! I would be miserable and as out of place as a fish on the moon, never mind out of water. I think when I really regretted my short hair was when I would occasionally be mistaken as a boy in a dress. I did not want to be a boy in a dress! what is odd to me today though, is actually how uncommon it is to see women wearing actual women`s clothing. dresses are regarded as an ancient relic of the past, as many girls STRIVE to look like men, some going as far as to use male names and pronouns, despite not having an evaluation and accurate diagnosis of gender dysphoria. It’s completely gone off it’s rocker. all we can hope for is putting more sensible and educated children on this earth, and hope they do the same. I believe that when there’s any problem, you can either solve it, or eventually it will solve itself. but if you wait for it to solve itself, it might not be very pretty.

  4. In case anyone was concerned: the tornadoes were the other end of KY. We are all safe and doing okay. Prayers for everyone effected!

  5. Kelli came the other day. We got to hear the baby’s heartbeat, and I officially begin my 2nd trimester Sunday.

  6. Sean had a BIG Christmas! Santa got him a big-boy potty! :). (I DO NOT want 3 kids in diapers). While he was opening his gifts, I gently opened my night shirt bottom so he could see my new bump. He asked if he could feel the baby kick. I said they aren’t moving yet, but I was sure they’d LOVE their big brother to say hi. He was SO EXCITED to talk to my belly, and kiss the baby. He did ask me,”Can I still have boobie?” I smiled,”OF COURSE sweetie!” I asked him if he wanted some right then. He said no, and got back to his haul. Ruthie DID want boobie. 🙂

    1. Hi, Erin!

      How sweet of you to mention my blog in your list of nominations! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness! I took a quick peek at your blog, and it was really nice to see how you are trying to live for God as a teenager. That’s really refreshing!

      So good to hear from you, and it’s great to know that you enjoy my blog!

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