When we intentionally and intelligently choose to do something set apart from the culture, there’s a story behind that . . .

What’s the story behind your personal journey to headcovering? We would love to hear about it!
- What an encouragement it could be to those of us who already cover and need the support.
- What a powerful prompt it could be for those who do not yet cover but would willingly do so if they were shown good and compelling reasons for it — if they could hear a story like yours.
Please click on the link below to be re-directed to The Head Covering Movement site. There, you will be asked to fill out a quick form. This will be received and reviewed by me (Testimony Coordinator), and by HCM’s editing team.
(Note that submission of the form does not automatically guarantee your headcovering testimony will be featured on the site. You will know within about a week of submitting the form if it will most likely get featured, because we will send you a more in-depth, official interview to be completed through email).
Click here to share your headcovering testimony!
Once your testimony is published on The Head Covering Movement, I will prepare a post on this blog, The Heavenly Hearth, giving readers an opportunity to view a short description of your testimony and a chance to read your full story on the HCM site.
*Important to remember: If you want me to highlight your testimony on this blog, please let me know, when you reach out to the Head Covering Movement, that you are responding to The Heavenly Hearth‘s request for headcovering testimonies. Otherwise, I won’t know, and your testimony won’t be mentioned on this blog.
I’m sure there are lots of women who would love to read your headcovering testimony. Why don’t you give it a try?!